TOP >Ramen information> [Akita Pref.] Duck White Soup & Homard Lobster's Marriage Noodle

[Akita Pref.] Duck White Soup & Homard Lobster's Marriage Noodle

2-10.Akita Koumenkai (秋田香麺会)

Duck White Soup & Homard Lobster's Marriage Noodle

The ultimate dish of French duck and homard lobster!

This bowl is made with a 100% white broth soup made from rare French duck produced in Higashiyuri, Akita Prefecture, and then topped with homard lobster cooked in a bisque using French techniques, allowing you to enjoy the perfect marriage of French duck and homard lobster!
You can also enjoy special noodles made from durum semolina flour, Haruyokoi flour, and Mochihime flour brands!

Genre Noodle Type Soup Type
Duck white soup Thin flat noodles Slightly thick
Shop Information
Yunodai Restaurant (湯の台食堂): 1-251 Menukiyachi, Yokooka, Kisakata Town, Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture MAP
Komitei (香味亭): 55-1 Shimokubo, Fuki Otsutsumi, Yokote City, Akita Prefecture MAP
Ramen AO: 14-34 Kawajiri Oyasumachi, Akita City, Akita Prefecture MAP